This practicum experience I learned a lot. I learned about who I am as an individual, and who I am as a teacher. The one standard that I felt I did not need any growth in was standard two. It states “educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession” (BCTC, n.p., 2019). This is an important standard, however, entering this practicum I felt that I was already living up to it. Everyday I made sure to show up as my best self. I looked professional in my “teacher clothes,” and I always made sure I acted professional. My coaching teacher was at the school everyday at 8 am, and gone by about 4 pm. So, everyday I was there at 8 am, and gone by about 4 pm. Leaving practicum, I still feel I have followed this standard. I feel when one’s heart is in the profession, this standard comes naturally.
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